
Showing posts from August, 2022

SEEKERS - DOCUMENTARY ON HUMAN TRAFFICKING AND IRREGULAR MIGRATION - BRIMA A. SHERIFF This video (SEEKER) seeks to generate discussions around Human Trafficking and Irregular Migration with a view to raising Awareness Nationally and Internationally. Directed by Brima Abdulai Sheriff and Produced by WeOwn TV. The Sierra Leone Medium Term National Development Plant (MTNDP) dubbed Education for Development has Cluster Six which is about Youth Employment, Sports, and Migration. This Policy Cluster expresses that Migration is an outlet for Sierra Leonean youth to escape from the lack of opportunities besetting them in their communities and the country at large. The policy establishes that the migration situation is underpinned by high levels of poverty and unemployment, especially among youth, women, and vulnerable groups. The policy further states that the context is highly unpredictable due to the lack of reliable and up-to-date labour market data, ineffective communication on employment-related information due to the inadequacy of emplo...

Article by Wilberforce Institute about Brima Abdulai Sheriff Fighting Injustice: The Role of the Arts and Humanities in Sierra Leone Slavery and Human Rights in Sierra Leone


These years 2021/2022, i want to look back at the focus of my energy which has not only been working as an activist but exploring and working on new thematic areas such as in WASH and now the Blue Economy with GOAL SL. I have also been involved into work around  Human Trafficking  and Modern Slavery. I worked on a short documentary called SEEKERS with colleagues from the WeOwn TV, University of Hull, Wilberforce Institute and the Antislavery Knowledge Network. The goal was to use real voices of victims of trafficking to share their experiences on the deceit, pains and horror of their journeys. The overall Goal was to shine light on these inhuman practices, influence and raise national and international interests and provoke a cross discussion on the issue with a view to pushing states to take national and international actions to address the menace. I also had the opportunity to take part in a Scoping Study by  The Modern Slavery and Human Ri...